Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

I didn't think they were serious........ They didn't think I'd say "Yes"......... Worked out well.
Click on the video to go to YouTube and watch in high quality.
I didn't get a chance to edit this down... got more good footage on the camera.

Quynh's aunt and uncle asked me to do this, and I really thought they were kidding.... and they kinda were. I just thought I'd have enough good stories to make it worth it.... I was right.
Quynh's uncle was originally cast, but thought that with my facial hair (I have some) and skin I would make a more convincing Jesus.
Almost 2,000 people showed up....
It actually took a lot of practice for me since I don't understand Vietnamese very well.... The camels were never on stage during practice, so that messed up our timing a little, and one of the disciples was late on stage- won't name names.... incapable. Took 300 pictures with people on my way to change.
Had a blast... I'd played comedic roles many times, but was aching to try a more serious character... just wish the director (nun) would have let me wear sandals instead of black and neon yellow nikes... Still fun.
I miss everyone back home, and it's really strange being away for Christmas for the first time. I'm very lucky, though, to be around a lot of people who want me to have a memorable holiday.

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