Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's a funny story, really

I finally digested my chicken and rice when Quynh's cousins came home and decided we were going to go have some Pho.... I thought it would be good to walk there to get some more exercise, but found out that I would instead be riding on the back of her aunt's scooter. Being my first time on a scooter, it was a little harrowing....

I'm tall, my legs are everywhere, the helmet didn't quite fit and I wasn't sure where to hold on. It was a good time.

The Pho was great, and really helped wash down the dinner I had finished an hour earlier.

After we ate, we thought it would be fun for her cousins and us to go around the city. We decided that Quynh would drive the moped with Trang on the back, and I would pedal the bicycle with Tom and we would visit the less-crowded side of town.

I hadn't been on a bike in a while, but it's kinda like... well, riding a bike. Quynh took off like a pro on the moped and the city looked beautiful. Unfortunately, after 300 yards Quynh forgot how to turn (and how to brake) and drove full-speed into the curb sending her and her cousin to the ground and snapping the front wheel completely off of the moped...... I dragged it home. Nobody was injured. Gonna take a shower and go to bed.... and make fun of Quynh, of course.
Long white legs, short moped

Two bowls of pho, please


More excited

Slow Down!

bitch broke my bike


  1. who in the world would trust riding w/ her?!?!? :( i miss the mother land. wanna go back

  2. Absolutely hilarious stories and wonderful pictures to go along with 'em. I'm tellin' you E-Man this is your "A" material.

  3. Laughing out loud and trying not to wake Dad up. You are very entertaining. This is great stuff. Miss and love you guys.--Ma

  4. Love the captions! Love you... Miss you! Mags

  5. what the hell is po?
